Friday, December 13
6:00 to 8:00 PM in Redeemer Hall
Grades K to 3 are invited to our Babysitting Event being held in the Parish Center, Redeemer Hall A and B on Friday, December 13 from 6:00 -8:00PM. We will have movies, crafts, sing a longs and snacks. Consider sending your children in their Christmas fun clothes or PJ's if that is easier.
Space is limited to 40 attendees.
Babysitting services will be provided by the Works of Mercy Club. Adult moderators will also be in attendance.
To register your child for the event, please click here
All Free will donations will go to Works of Mercy Giving Tree project. The Works of Mercy is hoping to provide Christmas toys for 55 children in need this year.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Reardon ( or Mrs.Bull (